Saturday, December 31, 2011

You are a great girl. You continue to amaze me with the spirit you have, the joy you find in things and the time you send making others happy. You make drawings, and cook in your easy bake oven. You give hugs and you sign songs. You are a true joy.
This year you continued to be the best thing in my life. You made coming home from each business trip a true pleasure. Always wondering what I would bring, and me always enjoying finding something you would love. HAWAYO or otherwise known as OHIO you were fond of.
You are 47 lbs, an d 3 feet 9 inches tall.
You got letters and videos from Santa and were relieved to say the least at getting on the good list. We have that on video, you will have to watch it.

I love you.. you are my gift.

so....long time no talk. Sorry about that. It has certainly not been for lack of needing to write a lot of fun times down. We went to a balloon festival, you are on pre-k with mr. michael, you enjoy "gynastix" and turned 5! Not to mention Christmas and now NYE. I am going to add a few photos and will write more soon.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Greek" festible"

Prettiest girl!

- Posted with love

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Loves pre-k

All the great things about school....
Snack time
Circle time
Station time
Rest time
Teaching time

Just time!
You picked out a pale blue ballet outfit since princess costumes are too small. You have grand Conversations with your toys. Daddy got a new motorcycle and can finally come visit.

You are completely loved. I love you!! Tinsel in your hair and all...

- Posted with love

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Long time no talk! at 4.5 you have mastered the art of being the cutest kid in the world. You got to go to the beach and see Kristina and to travel on a wake board behidn a boat with Daddy.
What a great summer you are having.

new school, mr. michael is your teacher and you seem to like it. you walk in, in the AM to boys saying VARA VARA VARA... but refuse to tell me their names!

you love kesha and avril lavigne... and that girl that sings T shirt.

and we all love you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sweet Vara James

Such a dear girl, so full of love and life. You make me happy. You got your first sunburn on the lake. You went on a tube, you liked to go fast. You love your new swing, and you love your pinky. Swimming in floaties, you are so close to swimming alone!

I love you.

- Posted with love

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weekend with cousins

You spent the weekend with your cousins in South Carolina. You had fun singing and two sleep overs. I missed you terribly, but know how much you love the time. Your tauntie turned 26! Eden is 8 weeks. Caroline is finishing 3rd grade !! rj took you on a walk where you saw a raccoon and cows.

You are my greatest gift. I love you.

- Posted with love

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

With love

You are filled with so much love. You have the best day ever about once a week. You are what makes me smile. I love you SVJ

- Posted with love

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Long time no write!!

Vara has grown so much. Mommy has been all over the globe for work and I think it's been a challenge for both of us. Boston, Dallas, New York, London..... But the good news is there are toys in every place.

Vara loves the water and just yesterday rode her bike with almost no help.

Ms. Jessica is your favorite teacher and is a help to all of us. "vara, your pinky is here!!!" is what your classmates yell when pink picks you up... And when mommy does they all look confused. But you run up to me and it fills my heart with pure love.

Went to see dad and pop and the first tantrum that will go down in the memory books as the mutha of all tantrums occurred in the Anderson SC toys r us over a bike! I carried you screaming from the back of the store under my arm while you pinched and kicked.... Good times.

We flew to California to pop pop and grampy suzes.... I took my greenbelt exam and you are glad I don't have homework anymore.

You love your joshie and spend the night at camp freedom. Or Viviana and the kesels take care of us both!
I love you and you make me want to be a better mom and friend everyday.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

vara age 4
42 inches tall 43 lbs

Today we had a party for tauntie, and vara was so excited because she gets to be the BIG COUSIN.... confused about how the baby will get here, and what that really means she made it through the shower just fine. I love you Vara, my whole lifes work is to make you the happiest child on earth! thank you for loving me so much.


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