Friday, April 28, 2006

Week 12:
As you near the end of your first trimester, your uterus, now about the size of a large grapefruit, begins to migrate from the bottom of your pelvis to a front-and-center position in your abdomen. If you're lucky, this will bring an end to one pesky early pregnancy symptom — the constant urge to urinate. Also slated to diminish somewhat now that you're on the cusp of your second trimester are some of those other early pregnancy symptoms: nausea, super-tender breasts and nipples, food aversions, fatigue. But don't look now (though — considering the symptom — maybe you should), there's a new one added to the mix: dizziness.
And guess who's to blame? Yup — it's your old friend progesterone again, which causes your blood vessels to relax and widen, increasing the flow of blood to your baby (again, good for baby), but slowing the return of blood to you (as always, not so good for mom). Less blood flow to you means lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow to your brain. All of these can contribute to that light-headed, dizzy feeling — especially when you get up too quickly — which is why slow and steady wins the race against dizziness.
Another cause of dizziness during pregnancy is low blood-sugar levels, which can occur if you're not eating regularly (so don't try to run…or even walk…on empty). And looking ahead to later in pregnancy, dizziness in the third trimester can be caused by the pressure the growing uterus places on your major blood vessels, especially when you're lying on your back.
Here's a quick tip: If you feel dizzy or faint, lie down or sit with your head lowered between your knees, take deep breaths, and loosen any tight clothing (like that button on your jeans you struggled to close in the first place). As soon as you feel a little better, get something to eat and drink.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Well where have you all been? Aw just playin. Some sad news, some good news to report. Stephen WILL graduate. He has just finished his last day of school and will be a member of the large 35 person class of 2006 Grace Academy. He walks May 6th. I couldn't be more excited. I am truly hoping that "Welcome to the Jungle" is the theme song. YESSSSSSSSS Sadly, Todd and Stephens grandmother "mama" Vara Katherine Lindsey Landreth died this week at 79 years old. Good news? We saw her Easter Sunday and had a good time. Bad news, well, it was just plain sad and a little tense while we were there. But we are truly home now and settling in. Vara was amazing. She IS amazing. What a lady and a great example of how to be a strong woman with class. Feeling ok, triscuit is good, he/she is just making a once a morning appearance, and I am feeling a TON more human. Hope you are all well. thanks for all of your support with things.

Friday, April 14, 2006

This just in Triscuit makes an appearance! Doing a handstand in the middle of the black part. . You can see his BIG head, just like mom, and little nubs forming as hands and feet. It was really cool, not all the poking and prodding, but she could see the whole umbilical cord and showed it to me, looked like a lasso.... honestly I was never one for Science but this was pretty sweet. She could also show the blood flow to the little critter and everything.

On an even better note, besides falling asleep often I am feeling a little less hung over, as long as I eat well and don't stress.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Today is my dad's 63rd birthday...... it seems like yesterday we were in Disney World, I was engaged, Hannah was not even born, and sammy was freaking out and drooling when the parade went by.... that was for his 60th. What a great trip. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD..... love you!
Entering the double digits... WEEK 10

Your baby's growth is fast and furious now. He or she is nearly an inch and a half long and the size of a prune, but not nearly as shriveled (even with all the time it spends in water). In fact, your baby is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming, and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms (complete with elbows) can flex already, but don't run to the store for a baseball bat just yet. Though your baby's arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is only about the size of this number 1. The tooth bud fairy is making her appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your baby's little choppers, which are forming under the gums. (Those pearly whites won't break through the gums until your baby is close to six months old). Other systems are go, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if your baby's a boy, he's already producing testosterone (yikes!).

Katherine, Todd and Stephen's sister called to let me know the hammock is on sale again on ebay.... wish us luck... good looking out man... thanks

Monday, April 10, 2006

SO, a few things have gone on this marathon weekend.

We had a girls event Friday evening we made some pottery it was cool. Then I drove the girls by our new house, that is now NOT our new house, Saturday we had three showings or more on our house, and then Sunday same thing. We have felt like grand central station. Besides that, Baylor had a birthday and so did Greg so we were eating lots of junk food and having lots of good times with our friends it was nice.

However, Sunday I got a call from our realtor letting us know that although we gave the sellers what they asked for in their counter offer, they lied, kept talking to the other couple and we were the proverbial guinea pig for the offer they truly wanted. That realtor is shady, that couple is shady, and that house MUST be shady so it was not meant to be. SO, keep an eye out, we are searching for a house again.

Feeling ill, week nine, go to the Dr. Friday so I will keep you posted. I am sure it will be eventful. When asked who I wanted to see, I asked her whom the funniest doc was.... Do you think most people pick someone that way? Well, hopefully she is, because I can't do this with a serious face!

gained about 2 lbs total so far.... I bet I will look at that number and laugh next trimester! But I hate it now.

UPDATE: Becky, my friend from middle school is pregnant too! for those details, call me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

So we found a house that we loved, made an offer, but there is another offer on it now. SO.... We will have to see. We put our house on the market at about ten last evening and now someone wants to see it already, that is good right? But we still have some final touches to get done.

Went to the doctor today, for a thyroid screening, he gave me a different vitamin sighting it as a potential reason for my sickness. Lets hope that is it. I did however throw up in their parking lot because the pharmacist insisted on telling me about her pregnancy about 50 years ago while I paced and smiled hoping to make it out the door. This is all to reminiscent of my freshmen year in college with hang overs and taking tests! UGH payback man, God does have a sense of humor.

Henry (todd's dad) came to town and he we had dinner, he drove by the home we were hoping for. We went to dinner and at the end when we were all saying good bye he rubbed my belly.. WHOA... I am not sure I would ever be ready for that from anyone, and for some reason, men love the thought.... if I had a six pack maybe, but the wiggle/jiggle doesn't promote phrases like "Please touch my belly unsolicited" or "HEY! wanna see what a fat belly feels like? "

Today starts approximately week Nine....

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

HA the joy returns. I forget that I haven't told everyone yet. So today when I was explaining to someone I work with occasionally that I was slack and felt ill, and why... Here is what I got!

HOLY S ---!! Congratulations!!! How many months?? HA that was great.

The other offer I got today was from Amy's dad who will be the sub-grandfather. He offered to cancel out some business debt for the baby.... Unfortunately, I don't think that is an option for either of us, so we will just have him babysit! isn't that the same?

Wes Amy's brother suggested COUGAR for the name... Nice huh ROAR! Ha. Today is ok, starting to feel human after about 5 rough hours, but enjoying this little window.

We are going to check out some homes in a few hours. Wish us luck.

Monday, April 03, 2006

So i was outbid... Outbid on the coolest little thing. It is called the Amby Hammock. It is this hammock for babies that they can use it instead of a crib. Makes them feel like they are still in utero AND if they are colic-e or anything it helps. Check it out... and let me know if you see one on E bay. as well, it turns into a bouncer for them..... very cool.
Week 8 and its not that great!

Well, unfortunately I appear to be following in my sisters footsteps. Usually not a bad course, but for now the sickness would be something I could have gone without. It is brutal, and so if I don't seem to be in the best mood, that is why. I get sick in the morning, and that makes brushing your teeth a true challenge, and then about 3pm, I go down again. THANK GOD I work from home, if a few hours a day counts as work... i just couldn't do it any other way.

You can all leave comments to, so feel free... that way I won't feel like I am talking to myself. Have any questions? Let me know. Also, name suggestions are taken here. Good luck.


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