Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Vara James 9 months old... today her appointment did not include shots, but some blood was drawn for her to check for her Sickle Cell and Anemia. They will get to root of this bloodline issue! and the dr. suggested that before she were married (or had a child) she check out all partners.... that was so strange to consider... this little being growing up, moving out and getting on with her own family. (sniff sniff)

Stats! 21 pounds 10 oz (90%) 29 inches tall (90%)and head is again OFF THE CHARTS with 49 CM !
She pulls herself up, she smiles, laughs, understands NO but doesn't adhere to it. She shares her pacifier with you if you are nice. No more baby food! formula and oatmeal, but no other jars! that is awesome.
