Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

the next generation

you will be both relieved and excited to know me and vara are doing just fine... however she has been dubbed the "squirmer" won't sit still for the doppler.

heart rate of 150, i did successfully pee in a cup, and i gained 2.5 lbs (in two weeks)

Labs will be back Monday to update us on the thyroid etc. I will let you know.

Having people in town for the shower Amy and Brian are throwing. I am excited about seeing everyone. Aloha!

Friday, September 15, 2006

the next generation

Make sure you check out the link below that says waiting for Vara. Its got some cute photos, and we need more of all of you so we can add to it. I can't wait to add her photos to it.... 62 days and counting!
View this video montage created at One True Media
Waiting for Vara

Friday, September 08, 2006

SO back from the dr. my last 4 week appointment. As I started this journey my goal was to stay under the 200lb mark... well ladies and gents, sadly today that dream was deflated when the scale read 200.5 lbs.... so how did i drowned my sorrows you ask, by eat some nachos! yes, before 11 am. HA

On another note... i am in a practice that has 7 docs... the only woman i was meeting today. With great anticpation i was hoping she would be cool. SHE SUCKED!

I asked her about when we would talk or chart my birth wishes, like EPIDURAL and who was in the room etc.... she said i needed to go to a birthing class to learn about my options.. SISTER i know my options, i want to express my wishes.. she had no time for me.

THEN i said something about Vara being big, she said you are tall you can deal with it. UMM ok. But she then saw my chart and noticed my thyroid issues and kept saying I should be happy if Vara is big, better than a baby that has retardation.. HELLO!! wouldn't anyone aggree with that. I just want to know how she will come out with out killing me! and what we do if she gets stuck etc. I don't wish for retardation... does anyone? does that really need to be said?

Then i finally tell her my cousin had an 11lb baby and it broke her pelvis, she said you mean her tailbone... NO that isn't what i said... her pelvis, and I don't want that ok! YEESH... so much for female bonding!

So any advice.... what if she is who delivers Vara... i need a funny dr. someone that will help me get through it, and engage me etc... not robo doc. UGH

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the next generation

Working on Vara's room.... here are some photos. Mom was here this weekend and we had a great time checking things out and getting ready. Thanks so much to all the DONATORS.... lindsey and kate helped a ton! She has enough clothes I think, and the crib is amazing. so we seem to be ready for WEEK nine to be here.

I head to the Dr. Friday, i will update then.
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Friday, September 01, 2006

Making Headway
WEEK 30 TEN TO GO !!!!

Your baby's height and weight haven't changed much in the past week, but the big news is your baby's brain gain. Until now, the surface of your baby's brain was smooth. Now, your fetus's brain is taking on those characteristic grooves and indentations. The reason for this change in appearance? Those wrinkles allow for an increased amount of brain tissue — a necessary change as your baby prepares for life outside your womb, and the street smarts he or she will need.

Another big change this week: Your baby's bone marrow has taken over production of red blood cells (before, tissue groups and then the spleen took care of producing the blood cells). This is an important step for your baby, because it means he or she is better able to thrive on his or her own once born (with a little TLC from you, of course).

So it's in with the new (brain cells, red blood cells) and out with the old (lanugo). Much of the lanugo — the soft, downy hair covering your baby's body — is beginning to disappear now because both fat and the brain are regulating your baby's body temperature (so no need for that furry coat anymore). But you may see a few leftover strands of fur on your newborn's back and shoulders.


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