Wednesday, August 16, 2006

the next generation
So there is some good news and some not so good news....again. I passed the three hour test for gestational Diabetes, so I don't have that to deal with!

However, my thyroid levels are so low that we may have some concern for Vara's mental development. However, there is not a way to determine that. Just pray she works through this and gets what she needs, i know God will take care of me. thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, August 14, 2006

the next generation
Sad to say we have not done well with the reports and tests!!! Glucose Failed, Iron Failed, Thyroid FAILED.

The major concern is brain function at this point. the thyroid levels are so out of wack that they changed my does today! and are concerned that she may have lost some development there, but that is an outside chance! so pray for us.
Redo a three hour glucose tomorrow and the iron, well, just have to take more. that harms me more than her.

sorry this is not a good update. hopefully it will be better once we get the three hour back!

Friday, August 11, 2006

the next generation
Heart beat normal at 145
Glucose test today... YUCKY i will get the results monday. Wish us luck
Measuring two weeks ahead of schedule! MAYBE OCTOBER? that would be great...but hopefully uncle brad won't be to dissapointed!

Monday, August 07, 2006

the next generation
100 days to go ... can i get a heck yes!!!!
I am so excited to hit this mark. I mean, it seems like a short run some days and then when you go to your closet to pick out something to wear and see the same three possibilities.... 100 days AMEN.

Had a great time this weekend in TN. It was fun to see people and meet new ones etc. I think Vara's going to like the family reunion, everyone just pitches in and helps with each others kids... and honestly we have some pretty people in the Landreth family. I was looking at all the girls intently and if she gets the eyes of her sister in laws and the skin tone of her second cousins she will be just fine! PRETTY FAMILY...

speaking of. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Uncle Brad and Aunt Katherine! I can feel the sand between my toes from Aruba now! that was fun.

here is some information on week 26.. one more week to the third trimester!

Middle of week 26

Eyes Wide (Almost) Open
Look who's looking. Your baby's eyes — which have been closed for the past few months (so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop) — are now beginning to open. What this means is that your baby is able to see what's going on now (unfortunately the view in your uterus isn't all that exciting). But do try this at home for kicks (baby's that is): Shine a flashlight at your stomach. Your baby might kick in response (as in: "Get that light out of my eyes!").

The iris, the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have much pigmentation (that'll fill in over the next month or two), so it's too early to start guessing your baby's eye color. Even the color your baby will be born with might not be the permanent shade; so you may be kept guessing until your baby is close to six months old.

Look what else is going on this week: Your baby's brain-wave activity is kicking in, which means your little one can not only hear noises but can now also respond to them. Not in so many words, of course, but with an increase in pulse rate or activity.

And talking about activity, at your baby's current height and weight (about nine inches tall and two pounds), and at the rate he or she is growing, your baby will soon be feeling a little cramped in your uterus. Not to worry, there's still plenty of room for your baby to grow. It just means your gymnast will have less room for those somersaults, cartwheels, and other Olympic feats.


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