Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bodily Functions... the next is not for the faint of heart.

So today a few normal things happened and some things that are not so normal happened as well.

I woke up and after yesterday going well, I thought.... Cereal that is the trick! I will eat it just after I brush my teeth. SO.... I got up, feeling bad because I have a cold but don't know what, if anything I can take. After the left nostril finally woke up and allowed me to breathe again, I grabbed my toothbrush, began that morning ritual... Unfortunately for me I somehow got a hair in my mouth. Normally, this would not please me, but I would go on, however with a great rush of panic a scrambled to get the hair off my tongue and into the sink, but since I was already foaming at the mouth that was all she wrote. Living on the border of getting sick most moments lately, that was the proverbial straw or hair in this case that broke the back of this camel. So I throw up, not a big deal right? WEELLLLL, that made me sick to my stomach in another way and then that smell in turn made me gag and throw up again. You know it is bad when you make yourself sick! So there I am, in such a position that allows for only magiver to succeed. The rest as we shall say is history. Dirty diapers just don't scare me at this point, at least Triscuit will be wearing one if he spits up!

On another note I got my blue cross card today so I am going to be able to go see how Triscuit is holding up. April 14th is my appointment. As well, I am totally a sucker for instant gratification, such a thing is not possible in a 9 month pregnancy, so that is why I am sure some man or woman invented me. So at 17 weeks I can get a picture of the little person in time to be able to give them a proper name. ( not that Triscuit may not make the cut) I have officially added it to my wish list!

nothing new on the house yet.... wish us luck. Shout out to the teen girls for being so supportive.

Love , Moe

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I got to tell some more friends today about the baby. It is really interesting to hear about what they think, if they are as surprised as I was etc. The thing that gets to me sometimes is that I wonder what really was their initial thought. Was it "OH NO! Emily has reproduced?!" or "Poor little kid... " or was it " Man, Todd is in for nine months of a mess!"

In any event everyone has been very encouraging and so far, it does not appear that anyone has had the nerve to ask what we were thinking etc! SO thanks friends.

Moving.... it appears we are going to have to do more than just widen our waistlines, we need another room. We need a fourth room, as I currently work from home, Stephen has a room, Todd and I have a room, and can you believe that Triscuit has requested a place to sleep other than in utero.... so we are looking to find this house only with one more room.

I love this house.

Monday, March 27, 2006

On the Road again........................

So we loaded up the truck and headed to my Mom's. We took the Titan from Charlotte, to Southern Illinois in order to bring back some furniture my mom wanted us to have. One of the coolest things was the recliner... NOW LADIES before you let out that collective sigh this one has a story. The recliner was Jim's. He died a year ago last Christmas and the coolest photo I have of him toward the end was him in that recliner with Hannah my niece. He just looked at her, and she didn't know he was sick she just looked right back and gurgled and cooed and made him smile. It was great. So now, I have it, and in some way I hope that recliner helps our baby feel a little like Hannah did.

On another note, the ten hour trip wasn't that sweet for a girl who feels like she has had one too many margaritas without the chips and salsa. I just felt crappy so luckily I have the ability to put myself into a sleep coma in a car that took care of most of the ride there. We got in about 3 am Friday morning and I was up at 6. Something about this little buddy wants to make me a morning person.

Uncle chuck came over and that was great. We had dinner out, not that I wanted any but it was fun to see he and mom enjoy good food, wine and talk about becoming the snoop sisters. As well, in order to include Stephen in things they started telling embarrassing moments about me, and there are tons.

Finally back home last night it was great to be here. I just wanted to be still. Funny, after ten hours in a car home to just want to sit, but to be able to stretch out was nice. As well, we got to Nuggle with Nala. She was glad we were home.

That is all for now. Until the next upchuck.. I mean update.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Got a great email from my Cousin Liz. Not sure if you all know this but there have been a lot of little cousins born this year or made at least. First Leslie had Lilly, (might I mentions she did not come easily at 11lbs.) Then Mike had Maya, then Mark had Oscar (he came early) and Liz is due in June, and then me in November... Not bad huh? I bet Grandma Gordon, Aunt Nancy and Uncle Pat are all laughing at the progress. I will be the "youngest" parent 31/32 ... and my dad is still trying to imagine how it is possible his little girl is going to be a mom... me too POP POP me too.

I hope that all of these babies eventually get to hang out like we all did. We had great times learning to swim, or eat sand, and play speed solitaire. I hope the DON'T break bones like Kate and I did before most of these events!

Feeling like I had one too many margaritas last night... without the fun or fuzzy memory or having gotten to drink any of them... ahh love this stage....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

For the curious side of you, below is from one of the millions of websites about babies. I am in week Six until approximately Thursday... here is what is says.

WEEK 6 of the baby

Your Baby's Development

This is a week of major developments as organs and parts of the body begin to take shape. Will your baby's eyes be brown, blue, green or hazel? It's much too early to know, but by week six the eyes are beginning to develop, and the earliest version of the retina is forming. Because the internal organs and limbs are in such an early stage of development, the embryo is very sensitive to any drugs, viruses or bacteria that might get past the placental barrier. Most birth defects begin between weeks four and eight of development (six to 10 weeks of pregnancy). Halfway through this week, the embryo will make her first movements, but you'll have to wait until your second trimester before you can actually feel your baby's wiggles. She's still very tiny…only about the size of a kidney bean, but this is a big week for your baby.

So many things are happening now!

• The neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week. This is good news, because when the neural tube closes, baby is much less likely to develop brain or spine defects like spina bifida.

• The heart — still located on the outside of the body — is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon.

• Upper and lower limb buds are forming on the body and will eventually develop into arms and legs.

• The brain begins to fill Baby's tiny skull.

• The larynx and inner ear starts to form.

• Below the opening that will later form your baby's mouth are small folds where the neck and the lower jaw will eventually develop.

• Facial features are already forming as nostrils become distinct.

• Kidney, liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach, and intestines are developing, and the appendix is in place.

• The pituitary gland and muscle fibers are forming.

• The lining of the placenta begins developing.

WHEW i feel tired just reading all that.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Let the games begin....

Today began the first bout of morning sickness... heck lets be honest, isn't it really all day? So far no good. I don't appreciate it. I think that Kate felt the worst because I was talking to her and all of a sudden I interrup, (ok that is not that uncommon) and I had to go... UGH. And please PLEASE don't tell me to eat a cracker. It doesn't matter if you eat it, a steak or anything else, it just is the way we do things in the Gordon family.

I spent this weekend without Todd and Stephen. They were in Atlanta with their dad on a some race track. What an adventure. While they were gone I was accompanied but a myriad of ladies to ensure I wouldn't be lonely. I had Team Chu at the house. It was cute. All of them are 16-18 years old and had dates on Friday and they trickled in between 8-10. Some with dates in tow. We watched the Goonies, and ate popcorn and I of course, fell asleep. So the boys left and I went to bed. About 2 am Nala ( our fearless nuggler) was in bed with me and started this fierce growl. Kristina was coming to sleep in my room and she was not sure about that! So we were once again assured we have protective animals in this house. It was great... kristina and I talked for about an hour and then we just passed out... Hopefully our child will want to do that sometime when I am like 500 years old to them! Will DVD's even exist to watch? Or will they be the 8 track of their childhood? Will their friends want to hang out here and watch a movie or is that just not going to be cool at all?

Saturday Team Chu headed to Mooresville to go to Rachel Chu's lacrosse game, we had fun, but they lost.

We came home, I rested momentarily and then began to prepare the house for dinner for 8 (aspen chicken, homeade mac and cheese and salad) and then a sleepover for 15 or so. SO... I started cooking about 5 and was done finally in the kitchen about 10pm.... The girls had a good time, and then about 7 am I started the waking process for church .... Needless to say, 2 bathrooms and about 10 girls... NOT BIG ENOUGH.

By Sunday I was so tired, Todd and Stephen came home and tried to show me their video of the race and I slept for about 2 hours.. PASSED OUT....

No one told me about the CRAZY dreams you have. Maybe it is because you sleep so hard you actually dream, or because junior is in there like the wizard of Oz pressing all the bells and whistles to get your attention! Either way, last night I was getting divorced, in some kind of version of Harry Potter and we were loosing our biggest client... I hope we start to get good dreams soon...

Mark (couzin mark) just emailed me, he knows too. To all of the Cousins... I didn't send out an email or anything because Dad said to wait... See what happens? Moe

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The cats out of the bag!

Even though we are still in that really sketchy, not sure if everything will be ok phase... Todd Hopkins is shouting it to everyone he can. He is really excited. I got a call from someone at his work that said he was telling everyone about being a dad. Guess the secrets out.

He even mentioned in his prayers how happy he was and grateful that God has given us this gift. So, yes we are pregnant, and it is really early on so please keep the positive vibes coming and in about another 6 weeks we will be over the first trimester.

My friend Kate from Leeds, England is studying to be a midwife. She had some interesting things to say about the cultural differenced between The states and England. She mentioned our medical approach to birth and I say HECK YES. Every time I get scared about delivering I praise the medical profession for coming up with the epidural, but there is a twinge that concerns me in terms of its prolonging labor etc. However, sanity sets back in and then I go IF it is going to take a long time, I may as well be high right? ( I know, I know, not nice talk from a future mama)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

On a sad note we had to remove Grace from our house after she was aggressive toward a child and seemed to go downhill from there. We loved her, she was a great dog. No more wiggles, jiggles or show me your teeth....
So I was unaware that finishing sentences and staying awake at my desk were concepts that the non-pregnant take for granted. I have been told that in a few weeks this will be better, but for now not so great. I continue to repeat myself and forget what I was doing but since I suffer from some severe ADD it is no problem, people just think I am off the meds.

Secrets out!
Some of the south girls (the teens in my church group) found the pre natal vitamins on my desk and the secret is out! Deirdre was my favorite reaction so far. She was so fun on the phone and truly joyful about things. HA so fun to see how people react.

Katherine called (Todd's younger sister) she is called Tanti by RJ and Caroline, Lindsey's kids (todd's older sister). So that will be her name I guess again.

She got her arm cast off today after her snowboarding incident. I think it weighed as much as seh does. She was excited too! This is great, it is like being on the parade float and getting to wave at all your friends and they are smiling and waving right back. "Hey Girl!"

thanks to all of you for being so sweet. It helps keep us positive and calm.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles...... Wow there are a lot of people to tell that they are going on a journey with us. Triscuit has just been in our lives for 5 days and already we are telling people about their new titles. Aunt Kate, Uncle Matt, Uncle Stephen...HA! I just realized this is the first time Kate and Matt get to be the Aunt and Uncle and not the parent! Welcome to what my comfort level is. Aunt is fun, you get to stop in, buy some stuff and laugh as the kid throws food at the dog. Mom, well, from what I can see it is going to be a lot more than anyone bargained for on this side of things. But I am sure with all of the help we will be just fine.
Lou was cute, Gran is her designated title, and she wants to know what sex it will be so she knows how to start Smocking appropriately. Wow, think of all of the little outfits...

Mom was cool about things, she is excited and I assume PINK will make a debut as soon as the labor pains begin. But she has already gone to the baby stuff store and started crying, while listening to some kid throw a fit like I used to... That phrase is beginning to haunt me... Truly payback is something to contend with. And with Todd and I as parents, "HOLD ON"

Dad was funny, I assume he is gramps and suze is grammy suze. She left the cutest message, she asked me if I forgot what happens when you "do the wild thang" HA that is a good one.
Side note, she has this receipt with a list of things that I wanted when I got older, and I said a boy with curly hair named Ben.... So time will tell.

Walked the dogs today, had a great time, Uncle Stephen (US) went with me. He and Todd are being so great, they even make sure I get my rest etc. WOW I feel like princess, (that may or may not have been run over with a truck when I get tired).... And this is just the beginning.

That is it for now, should head out to find a Dr. This week. Wish us luck.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Today we got the third test...Amy and I. It was funny, it was as if I was not sure the equate brand would, so I had to get the next thing... the $15.-- digital read out, red rider bb gun of pregnancy tests, and before I could even finish flushing the toilet it was flashing PREGNANT. I think if I had paid more money the only thing that could have been more conclusive would have been for an arm to reach out and slap me across the face and say... how many do you need, you are indeed pregnant you silly little girl! HA

So this morning after worrying to death about what everyone would say, I told Todd. I had read online about all the cute ways to tell someone they are going to be a dad. But I wimped out and waited for his weakest time, the early morning. I got to look into his half opened eyes and say, i took a test and it was positive. After he recovered he fell asleep for awhile more. I think more he was just trying to process. But then as he was leaving he did the cutest thing, he said "Bye baby", like he does on most days, and then popped back around the corner to say "bye babies!" so cute.

So i also got to start to tell people, since my business partner Amy can't stand the secret. By the time I had gotten to her this morning she had told her boyfriend, her roomate, her mama, and then made me tell Brian. So the first person other than Todd I told outloud was Brian. He was like great, i think... right?! HA i don't know if it is great, it just is. And I am sure it will be great, but for know it is just filling me with about 100 questions.

So in these early stages who do you tell? If you are reading this, i guess you!

Amy has decided to nickname the baby Triscut, and let the name game begin. She is so excited, to dress it, to name it, to plan for the shower, that no doubt will include drinking games.... She has really helped me adjust to the fact that I am indeed moving into a whole other realm, and yes, unfortunately back up the scale after just loosing weight. But at least I am not starting where I was last August.

Kate was awesome, she was happy and surprised and did a perfect thing in wrapping it all up with some older sister wisdom. She was really comforting to talk to, and I am excited to have her to chat with as this roller coaster takes off. ( besides, who else better to have already read every book and that can just give me the spark notes versions! thanks kate)

so now, we seek insurance, a dr. and to tell the rest of the Granparents.... (what do we call all of them?) Submit your requests~!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The next generation

So what is a girl to do when she looks down at that white plastic stick and sees it....that plus sign that changes you from wife to mom. Weird, i have one....heck I have a step-mom, my mom, my aunt nancy was like a mom, a mother in law and sister who is a mom, some of my cousins are moms and even some of my college buddies that partied with me are moms.... but me?

Well, it appears, at least for now that this may be the way things are going... so now i just have to tell DAD.... my dad, todd he is going to be a dad, that he needs to think about himself in the whole new category. Weird.

And why is it we are shocked when we get pregnant? We were there, we all hear about it time and time again daily. Well, as Amy would say.... HOLD ON... I hope to use this to talk about the updates etc.... and if this is how you found out.... sorry, talking about this is new to me too.


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