Friday, October 22, 2010

Its time to catch up with Vara and Mommy... and PINKY. The summer went by quickly and now here we are in OCTOBER. So what have we been up to? We visted Pop Pop and Grampy Suze in California. We went to the beach, we went to the fair and met Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother. We had time to pick lemons and to enjoy the sun.

Pink went to CA to, and met us back in Texas for the final leg home. It was a great time and a memorable flight as Vara was dressed in full princess attire.

We have redone my room, with the help of the Church Ladies. Vara went apple picking with her daddy and cousins. And in general its been on the run for us. Mommy turned 36 and Vara is actively counting down the days to her birthday.

Tomorrow pictures and tonight a hair cut just before! WHEW.

Dance Classes at school, ballet and tap. We even got tap shoes.... that was an experience.
In all, the love of my life continues to remind me that this is all the way its supposed to be and that life in general, even when it feels bad is perfect as it is.
I love you Vara James.
