Tuesday, July 25, 2006

the next generation
Shower in Ann Arbor.

I had such a great time. I got beautiful things, got to see some old friends and to be the center of attention! What could be nicer. Seriously, I got to see my oldest friend Becky and her daughter. Her daughter is so pretty I couldn't believe how much she looked like her mom the day we met! Same smile and all.

She got me this cute little side button jacket and outfit to match. It was so nice, but the gift was truly her getting there! She is due in four weeks!

Karen and Len were there with their daughter and she is so cute too! What a pretty generation we are bringing in. They were too generous with information and things, and I promise K I did read the hand outs.

Claire and Eric were there, he wore Orange socks and a shirt for me! I loved it, so thoughtful. And the gifts from Claire were commented on even in the airport. She made two of the coolest receiving blankets a little girl could hope for. Hawaiian print and all.

I had a great time, my sister got little uggs, and signed the card aunt Kate... How cool, she gets to be an aunt! And mom got us all the medical supplies of course! What a weekend. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

the next generation


well Sunday I noticed that Vara was on her own schedule. She would bump and bounce about, as well a few times I got this weird sensation of tightening, almost like a sit up.... If I can remember that feeling, and then it would pass.
These young friends are called Braxton Hicks contractions... Like the warm up for your body to be able to play in the real game. Well coach, put me in, I am ready to play...Or am I? I have watched one too many TLC shows and birth doesn't seem all that great. I know once she is here, I will be relieved she is here, healthy and safe.... Then her torment begins. I have decided if she makes it through her first years with NALA, STEPHEN and her parents she will be ready for anything.

Hope you are all well.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

the next generation
Stolen from What to expect when your expecting... thought it was cute!

Guess what? Your baby has finally broken the one-pound mark. How heavy is that? Hold a one-pound box of sugar in your hand the next time you're in the grocery story (and expect people to ask you why you're grinning from ear to ear). Is the box eight inches long? That's about the length your baby is too!
This week, your sweetie is making more sense of the world as he or she develops the sense of touch. In fact, your little one's grip is quite developed by now — and since there's nothing else to grab in utero, he or she may sometimes hold on tight to that umbilical cord (don't worry — it's tough enough to handle it). The sense of sight is also getting more developed. Your fetus can now perceive light and dark much better than before (even with those fused eyelids). But remember — unless you're shining a flashlight over your belly (which you can do, by the way), it'll be mostly dark for your baby inside that cozy womb of yours.
Moving up from the eyes, the eyelashes and eyebrows are well formed now — and even more hair is sprouting atop that cute little head. You'd be quite surprised, though, if you could see your little one up close and in color. Hair at this stage has no pigment, so it's bright white.


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